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[Samkwang Column] :: How to Overcome Stagnation and Achieve Success": Author사내기자 Date2024.07.11 Hit105

Why does it seem like successful people have an easy path to success while I keep facing difficulties? Why does it feel like I lack talent and luck?

If you find yourself in a slump, unable to move forward, and overwhelmed by anxiety because things aren't going well, you might be stuck in a state of stagnation.

Everyone encounters obstacles in various aspects of life.

Life is a continuous series of stagnation and overcoming these states of stagnation is part of living.

How can we find breakthroughs in periods of stagnation?

First, luck does not arrive on time.

Because of myths about young geniuses like Steve Jobs, we tend to value youth over experience.

However, the average age of successful entrepreneurs is 42.

This indicates that they have experienced repeated cycles of being stuck and finding solutions, learning what works and what doesn’t, and making meaningful progress.

Unlike the belief that failing to succeed early means failure, many succeed by entering the market later than others.

For example, Google was the 22nd company to enter the search engine market, yet it is now one of the most successful companies.

Google could identify what was effective and what wasn’t from the products that came before it, leading to quicker and greater success.

Success can come regardless of being 2nd, 3rd, or even 22nd.

Luck rarely arrives on time.

Don’t be anxious thinking it’s too late.

The important thing is to be in the game when luck does arrive.

Second, the path you’ve been on may not be the best one.

Chemist Brown was an employee at a large pharmaceutical company.

His team spent eight years developing a new heart medication, but unfortunately, they achieved no results.

Brown received an ultimatum to end the project if no results were achieved by September.

He had one last hope: a drug developed to treat chest pain.

He conducted clinical trials on miners, but instead of alleviating chest pain, the drug had other effects.

Brown accepted this as a new direction.

This drug earned Pfizer about $40 billion from 1998 to 2018.

If you are stuck in a prolonged state of stagnation, ask yourself:

Is it worth sticking to this attempt, and even if it didn’t go as planned, what can be learned from it?

When you walk with the thought that the path you’ve been on may not be the best, new paths will begin to appear.

Third, bring in a maverick.

A research team investigated whether familiar teams or new members produced better results among production crews.

The result was clear.

The highest ratings were achieved when working with new members.

This was especially true when the new member had experience in a different field.

Most people prefer to work with familiar teams, but familiarity breeds conflict and stifles creativity.

The solution to dealing with stagnation is clear.

Work with a maverick.

A new person can bring fresh ideas, and even just changing the atmosphere can be valuable.

Sharing the situation with a new person might lead to unexpected solutions.

Don’t give up just because you’ve stumbled for a moment!

If you’re facing a wall in your life, ask yourself:

Will you fall here, or will you overcome it?

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